
I want to think Gabriel for not only setting up this site once, not TWICE after I lost my information and not THREE fregging times when everything was comeing up as 0 bytes to me for some reasion but FOUR time when I found out that my hosting on kaisha ran out (I was being hosted for free from his contract) and he switched me over to the afterdark server as well. Lots of thanks man, hope I can repay you some how at some point.

The Actual Site

For a Long Time™ I just used my Web Site to only host the stories I had written.
After some thought I decided to make it more than that. Make no mistake my stories will still be put up here, but now they will not be the only thing on the site.
I will put up game ideas I have and a bunch of other things, as such I couldn't have the stories being the 'index' of the site so I had to rework it some.

Now this is the 'index' and the stories and other things are linked below. Each one is labeled and will be updated when I find both the time and the will to work on them ^_^

Enough talk for now though, go on, look around. Nothing will bite...unless you ask really nicely that is >:)

Uhh, Updates
Last Updated: 1/30/2006
Da Stories
Last Updated: 1/30/2006
Some "songs"
Last Updated: 5/14/2005
Comeing Soon!
Last Updated: Next of Not Yet
Different Games
Last Updated: 5/14/2005
On it's way!
Last Update: Tomorrow of Sometime

Contact me

If you want too my e-mail address is dancer(all)ofthee(your)bonytwist@(clothes)
For it to work you have to remove "all your clothes"
Please don't spam me, cause I will block you if you do.

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